🍣How to LP on SushiSwap

Learn how to provide THOR-ETH Liquidity on SushiSwap

LPers can provide pool liquidity on SushiSwap to improve $THOR market efficiency and earn token rewards. Liquidity providers receive a portion of trading fees corresponding to their β€œpool share”.


Step 1. Connect your Ethereum wallet to SushiSwap and head over to Onsen Farm and search for THOR-ETH.

Step 2. Click THOR-ETH Onsen, under Liquidity, make sure Add Liquidity toggle is selected.

Step 3. Approve THOR token if necessary. Select the THOR and ETH token amounts you would like to add to the liquidity pool. Note you must provide 50/50 THOR and ETH.

Step 4. Select Confirm Adding Liquidity

Step 5. Check the amount of THOR/ETH Pool Tokens (SLP) you will receive. Press Confirm Deposit when ready and sign transaction in your Eth Wallet.

Step 7. Once confirmed you will be supplying liquidity to the THOR/ETH pool, and you should see a corresponding THOR/ETH SLP Token balance in your wallet.

Remove Liquidity

To Remove Liquidity, visit the THOR SushiSwap Onsen menu once more and choose β€˜- Remove Liquidity’ toggle.

Please note that your tokens must be un-staked before you are able to remove them from the THOR/ETH liquidity pool.

Last updated