📚Importing a Wallet to Keystore

How to import existing Seed Phrase to generate a Keystore Wallet on THORSwap

If you have an existing wallet and would like to use Keystore (an encrypted version of your seed phrase) to connect addresses to THORSwap, please follow the following steps:

To generate a keystore wallet from existing seed phrase, click the CONNECT button on top right of THORSwap UI.

Click “Import Phrase”

Then choose the chains you wish to manage via Keystore Wallet, followed by 'Connect Wallet'

Any BIP39 standard 12 seed phrases can be used to generate a Keystore wallet file.

Enter your Seed Phrase followed by a decryption password, then click 'Backup Keystore'. This process is local and private to your own device.

NOTE: This is the password you use to decrypt your encrypted Keystore file! Remember this well as THORSwap will not be able to recover it for you.

IMPORTANT: - You will need to enter your password to sign off transactions, to unlock your seed phrase, transfer between wallets, upgrade your $RUNE, enter and withdraw funds from LP, and when you initially connect to THORSwap. - Make sure it is a secure password. - Do not Forget it! As this may cause you to lose your funds! - The best place to store your password? In your brain. Or if you are forgetful then write it down, laminate it and then store it in a safe place. Preferably in a vault in a bank with a cute but vicious guard dog.

After you click 'Backup Keystore', you will get your encrypted Keystore file:

Please store it safely! As your funds may be lost if you lose the file!

DO NOT share your Keystore file with anyone, and please don’t put it on the cloud unless it is an encrypted cloud storage service.

It is perfectly acceptable to use Keystore Wallet file for temporary use. Simply delete the file and import/generate a new Keystore wallet in the future. As long as you keep your seed phrase safe, you can generate a new Keystore file at any time.

Last updated