Breakdown of Exchange Fees on THORSwap
Last updated
Breakdown of Exchange Fees on THORSwap
Last updated
THORSwap.finance is a DEX Aggregator interface to cross-chain liquidity on THORChain, Chainflip and other 3rd party providers, allowing users to trade native assets in a decentralized manner, earn yield, lend & borrow, stake $THOR, provide liquidity and much more.
THORSwap charges an Exchange Fee of 0.5% for swap services (above $100 USD value) as a THORChain + Maya Protocol affiliate and Chainflip broker.
There are no additional fees for single-chain swaps via 3rd party providers.
Other THORChain services provided (LP, Earn, Lending and more) do not incur additional fees for the user outside of native blockchain gas fees and slippage.
Users may receive discounts on Exchange fee in the form of holding $vTHOR in a connected Ethereum wallet or trading above threshold to qualify for Whale Tier Discount.
$vTHOR is an ERC-4626 tokenized representation of staked $THOR, users who connect Ethereum wallet to THORSwap holding over 1000 vTHOR receives discounts on THORSwap Exchange Fees:
All trades above $1 Million USD in value (in a single swap) 50% exchange fee discount. This is applied in conjunction with vTHOR discounts as detailed above. To confirm the discount, expand the fee tab and look under the Exchange Fee section:
To view a breakdown of Swap Fees, expand the fee tab and click on the details 👁 button as shown below:
Inbound and outbound network fees occur from THORChain and the native network you're conducting the transaction from. For more details please see THORChain documentation.
To provide and maintain DEX interface services, THORSwap charges a single flat fee on every swap via THORChain & Chainflip above $100 USD in value. This fee starts from 0.5% and can be discounted by connecting an Ethereum wallet holding $vTHOR.