🏡Getting Started

SwapKit by THORSwap offers a composable, user-friendly Partner API/SDK on top of THORChain's cross-chain liquidity protocol.

SwapKit is a suite of tools package as an SDK to facilitate integration of all THORSwap services. SwapKit SDK is open-source and powers the THORSwap frontend. It is an easy gateway to all THORchain features, as well as THORSwap tools. SwapKit has four main pillars:

  1. Cross-chain quoting API with DEX Aggregation and transaction creation support

  2. Wallet interaction for multiple chains

  3. Cross-chain transactions tracking

  4. Thorchain tooling and abstraction

1. TypeScript/JavaScript SDK

Implement our JS/TS SDK in any frontend, or backend, and build your UI/UX around cross-chain swaps.


The SwapKit REST API empowers you to build an elite application with cross-chain swap functionality, with native Bitcoin.

Last updated