Get Started on Discord

Engage, Play, Get rewarded and have fun.

The THORChad Discord Community, will be the Community hub of the DAO. Any project/webapp developed will have direct function on Discord. 1) This will be where THORChads rank up and prove their chadness. 2) Where grassroot community projects will sprout and flourish from. 3) Where the community decides on the creative trajectory of THORSwap.

Get Started with the THORChads Community

The Verification process: The Community is open to everyone but to prevent spammers we have built in a verification system. Once joined you will be given a Community OG role if you are in the first 1,000 members and unlock a special section for early supporters. To unlock all the sections and engage with the community simply head over the #verify channel on Discord and type /verify

You will then receive a message from the Verification BOT with a link to complete the verification process. Complete the Captcha verification and Enjoy the rest of the Community!

Click on the link and Complete the Captcha verification to Enjoy the rest of the Community!

24/7 Bug Reports - Your feedback is important for us!

In the THORChad Community, you can open a Ticket to report a bug or send feedbacks.

THORChads Score - On Discord!

We aim to offer a 1:1 experience between the THORChads Platform and the discord Community. We have built the THORChad Score BOT, you will be able to calculate your score, directly in the community from now.

(1) Head over the #check-score section (2) Type /score, press Enter and then paste your THOR Address. P.S: The message will be visible only to you, addresses and results won't be shown publicly on Discord. You can also check the THORChads Leaderboard on Discord. Type /leaderboard to pull out the official THORChads Leaderboard.

THORChads Games - Bi-Weekly Discord Quests (Coming Soon)

Quests are mini-games within Discord that test your knowledge about the THORChain ecosystem. New Quests will be issued in the Discord Community periodically. How to Play Quests: Discord Quests are all based on Norse mythology and they will be very straightforward to play, to win a quest you will need to answer correctly to all the questions provided and then fill up a google form (if quest is won) simply reacting to some messages in your DMs and interacting with the bot through specific commands.

Why play THORChads Quests?

For fun! Playing Quests will also increase your THORChad Score and top players will earn Trophy NFTs and other rewards.

THORChads Trophies - Verify your NFT Trophy ownership on Discord!

In the Community, you will be able to verify your Trophy Ownership and get a custom role, NFTs Trophies owners get a special role on Discord. How this works? - Join the THORChad Community - In the #Verify section type !join - Connect your Wallet when asked - Get a Trophy Owner Role on Discord Join the community here.

More Resources:

Please find here more resources for all things THORSwap & THORChain:

THORSwap App:



Join the THORSwap Community! Provide feedback and contribute!


THORSwap Discord:

THORSwap Telegram:

Last updated